The Benefits of a Minimalist Landscape And How to Apply it to Your Garden

Minimalist landscaping has become a trend recently as they are perfect for small lots. It creates a quality look to your garden area with the added benefit of being low maintenance. It doesn’t matter what size your garden is; you can add a modern minimalistic landscape design to any Ontario property.

Minimalist Landscapes Designs Create a Beautiful Oasis in Small Spaces

Minimalistic gardens are trendy in busy city contexts, as they create an oasis at home, away from the bustle. Many minimalistic gardening trends stem from traditional Japanese gardens with strong form, contrast and shapes. Contrast and setup are created by pairing plants according to the property’s scale and using specific materials such as stone, moss and evergreens to create a timeless element.

Minimalist Gardens Are Low Maintenance 

Thanks to their unusual branching, the Pagoda dogwood and Japanese maple tree are the best for a minimal look. However, if you are going for an evergreen look, you will find the boxwood, yew, lime or rhododendron a better fit.

Things To Consider When Planning What Color To Use For Landscape And Hardscape

  • Make use of neutral colours and understated design aspects.
  • It is essential to harmonize your garden, where everything aligns and matches.
  • You can use various plant types but try to get plants of the same colour.
  • A well-known design tip is to use dark natural colours such as grey and black for hardscaping and match them with vibrant plants.

Top Tips To Help You Create A Minimalistic, Low-Maintenance Garden

  1. Minimalism rule number one: limit the number of different plants in the garden. Try only to choose 5 – 10 varieties and choose low-maintenance plants such as rudbeckias, sedums, bamboo lines, or grass.
  2. Instead of grass, pave or gravel the area as it requires less effort than cutting the grass weekly.
  3. Rather than using decking or gravel, use slate and slabs because decking and stone need constant cleaning.
  4. Add a top-dressing to your garden beds as it helps suppress weeds.
  5. For fencing and garden furniture, use hardwood instead of softwood, which requires more maintenance.

Get Help From Expert Landscape Designers at Salix Nurseries

If you would like more information about landscape design for your Ontario property, make sure to contact Salix Nurseries for your design consultation. We are a leading designer of all things landscaping and gardening in Canada.