When Should You Choose a Whitby Landscaping Company Versus DIY?

You may have visions of a backyard paradise, a neat arrangement with sweet hideaway spots for the kids or a lush entertainment space. What you may not be able to decide is whether to hire a landscaping company in Whitby or to do some DIY gardening. It’s only shoving dirt around and sticking some plants in the ground, right?

Unfortunately, that’s the same as describing building a house as stacking up bricks with a bit of mortar in between. Doing some gardening? Go DIY. Building a house? Hire a builder.

Below, we help you choose the appropriate time to hire a professional for landscaping in Whitby and when to choose the DIY route.

If you want to chat about your landscaping vision, contact our experts!

Why Should You Use Professional Landscaping in Whitby?

  • Tried and tested – Prototyping a new garden or redesigning an existing one is not a skill that anyone is born with. You might have a flair for it, but the devil is in the detail. Hands-on experience and training set a landscaper apart from a novice. Design is only part of the knowledge requirements. Selecting the correct soil combinations, plants, and accessories saves time and lots of wasted money by avoiding losses.
  • Buying power – Anyone who is a bulk buyer from suppliers will get lower pricing. A landscaper will source materials, plants and accessories at better prices. In addition, as they will not be experimenting with one flower bed at a time, they will do a bulk order so the pricing is lowered and transport costs per item. They will also know which supplier is the best for each specific item, thereby achieving a higher quality installation.
  • Expertise – The ‘structural’ part of landscaping is called ‘hard landscaping.’ This encompasses the laying of pavers, gazebo construction or decking installations. These stages of the project require trained, experienced professionals who know safe working methods.
  • Industry knowledge and network – Being immersed in the industry, landscaping professionals will have their finger on the pulse of the latest techniques, materials, best practices and trends for landscaping. In addition, if you are in a housing estate, there may be ‘indigenous only’ restrictions which can make it harder for a novice to design around. A landscaper will easily work successfully within those parameters.
  • Property value – The most important factor is property value. You might spend two thousand dollars on items and DIY it, but if it is not done well, then two thousand dollars is wasted. In addition, bad landscaping will detract from the value of your property or not add any value, which is also a waste. A professional landscaping project will increase the value of your home and repay you the money that you have spent.

When Should You DIY Landscaping In Whitby?

  • Size counts – If you have a small area to work on with hardly any ‘hard landscaping’ to install, then DIY is a great option. A smaller patch of garden, or courtyard, is a manageable project and could be fun. You won’t be doing huge bulk orders and multiple nursery visits, so costs are probably not a factor.
  • Semi-DIY – This is another great option that gives you the best of both options. You use a landscaping company in Whitby to draw up a professional design with plant and material specifications, and you execute the purchasing and installation.
  • Bored green thumb – If you have a green thumb and time to kill, working on a long-term project could suit you very well. Having days and weeks to invest in research is a wonderful situation to be in. The project will take longer, but that’s the whole point, isn’t it? You could tinker away for years to come and be thoroughly grubby and delighted. Bravo!

If you would like to book an experienced, lovely team of professionals, contact us at Salix Nurseries. We would be delighted to help you realize your dream garden for a full project or a semi-DIY.

Stairs leading up to a lush green garden